Participant 1


Tries to swipe horizontal arrows instead of the required tap.

I don't normally enable location services, but for a bus app I would because I know why it needs my location.

User did not show hesitation to create an account when asked.

Task 1 - Set 116 Broadway as a Leave from

User doesn't seem to notice "Leave from" text and instead chose to focus on the Going to.

"I read the big numbers and then immediately just looked below them"

Move "Going to" above the numbers to centralize the To / From structure.

User did not think to tap "Expand" arrow to open Leave from and instead struggled to complete the task.

User tapped on the actual address multiple times and even tapped the drag slider despite the helper text being present.

User did not select Leave from "because I thought I had already set it," and ask if "Set Leave from" would aid in the the task. "Yes it would."

Task 2 - Set 1720 Garrard St. as your Destination

This time, the user learned the "Up" arrow open the menu and was used to open the menu.

User first tapped on the magnifying glass "Search icon" on the lower "Where do you want to go?" bar.

Task 3 - Change Current Route to Route 19

User tapped on the Current Route, Route 17 circle, immediately.

"I did not even think about touching the current route text."

User touched arrow second after discovering the circle was not responsive.

"I can see that Route 17 is the current route, but it's still good to see it."

Participant 2